U.S. National Straw Sculpting Competition Fine Art in Straw…

Competition Rules & Information

• Create a Straw Sculpture individually or with a team.
• Send a sketch of your idea (a simple line drawing–no shading).
• Artists will receive a $400 stipend* for registered sculptures delivered on time to Mt. Morris.
• The sculpture must be at least 90% straw on the surface. Burlap, jute, sisal, twigs, etc., may be attached. Minimal spray paint for highlights / shadowing. (Inside framework can be any material.)
• Sculpture Size: minimum—6 ½ feet (in height, in length, or in width).
• Many methods of construction. The straw is frequently wrapped with twine.
• Average time: 2 weeks to construct. Shop home centers, or farms for wheat straw (or oat straw).
• Construct your sculpture to withstand high winds and rain. Tether connection points should be built into sculptures if required. Sculptures will be tethered to the ground if points are provided.
• Create your piece at home and then transport it to Mt. Morris by 4pm August 9th, 2024.
• We’ll do our best to help with local transportation, if necessary and please notify us in advance (may require an earlier build finish to schedule transportation, please notify us by August 2th).


Public Voting:
1st Place: $800
2nd Place: $400
3rd Place: $150

Artist Voting
1st Place: $500
2nd Place: $300
3rd Place: $150

*Note: Sculptures become the property of ENCORE! Mt. Morris if stipend is accepted.

Additional information about
ENCORE! Mt. Morris at EncoreMtMorris.com

Stacks Image 14